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Pride!!!! Rainbow roses are on the horizon.

May in Portland is that time of year I avoid downtown like a hipster avoids good beer, The traffic is ridiculous due to tourist coming in for all the different events happening, Cinco De Mayo, Fleet Week, Starlight Parade, Rose Parade , Rose Festival , and Pride Parade.

here's a link for you to get a quick and blurry on so click on the flag.

Here in the Rose City it's a weekend party with a lot of info passed around with impunity, and also the religious sandwich sign wearing bastards armed with fear and "love for others" coming out to picket us, which I'm ok with.

The reason I'm ok with a couple of brainwashed numb nuts is that for the most part they are harmless. The most volatile are generally away and doing something else and leaving us alone. This year they may get bold and attempt something but we will see, and then they'll see what a bunch of snowflakes with combat experience will do to their world. I would like to take this time to remind you that even if your home town is repressive and and aggressive against your pride festivities that you need to be grateful for the activists in the past that pioneered your way (and no it was not a white cis dude throwing a rock like in that horrible film) but be happy that your have a right a legal protection.

click here for more info

Not to throw guilt at you just some perspective: being gay in Russia is illegal. In Chechnya there are reports of a culling of gay men in the country, the kidnapping and murder of gay men, let that sink in. click on the image to the left for a link on it.

I've also been hearing rumors of the USA having denied visas to these men escaping the culling. Take a look, but also with a grain of salt due to the source. click on the kissy faces.

Here's the artist's links go support who ya love!

Against me!

Seven Cake Candy

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