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Micro-dosing and Macro-aggression

Intro: Warning, I say weird shit

Thank you for tuning in, dropping out of your reality and turning on GVAF radio Radio that gives a fuck and will milk the TIm Leary jokes for as long as I can. Who am I ? I am David “the Reverand Oni” Brown your local Satanic justice warrior coming to you from the Rose city Portland Fucking Oregon, not Orygone.

So thankfully Russia hasn’t retaliated against us yet but there are reports that the sights hit where empty so basically the USA wasted a few hundred billion on turning derelict buildings into craters, meanwhile Flint still has poison in its water pipes, the Dakota Access Pipeline is leaking and people are unable to get an education, homeless, having to balance having a home or medical attention and losing their lives to opide overdosing in the most powerful country in the world that somehow can’t help its own citizens but can blow the fuck outta brown people without a second thought.

For those wondering if I hate this great nation and it’s military the answer is very simple.

I love my country, but I’m not blind to it’s problems.

Look at history and understand most of the wars we have fought have not been for freedom but to make a very few very rich at the expense of our own citizens live in the promise of a better life that more often than not they do not receive. Which brings us to a second question:

do I hate out military.

Short answer, no . Long answer I love it enough I understand it needs a intervention because I can not love what it is used as.

What I mean by that is that I do not like the lives of our young people, my friends and family to be used for so ideology or real estate plan. For a bit I wanted to join the Marine Corps but with me being fat as fuck it wasn’t going to happen. Hell at one point I thought the idea of compulsory service was a good idea, not every roll in the military is combat oriented and honestly guaranteed work history and or experience but I dropped that idea the more I delved into American history.

There you go, Yes I love my country but dammit I have issues with what it does. Kinda like watching a very toxic parent that is constantly being destructive and abusive to you when it gets on hard times but still finds ways to take care of you and raise you but still leaves you with emotional scars and you need distance from them to stay sane. Kinda like daddy issues but with a flag and a corrupt criminal justice system.

Three songs

Autism cure?

Before my daughter was born my then girlfriend and I had discussed the possibility that our little bundle of chaos could be born with any number of physical or developmental issues and how would we deal with these. Autism was starting to become more well known and treatments were being discussed and since we both had backgrounds in psychology we had a basic idea on what autism was at that point. To say that the discussion was positive would be a lie and the then girlfriend stated that she would not have a child with autism and would not deal with them. For the record our daughter was born for all we know neuro-normal so the threat of losing her to that was off the table.

Autism ten years ago was a mystery to many of us then as it is today but with more advancement in study of the neurodivergence the question has come up about is there is a cure for it, but before we go that far it feels a bit like we should take a step back and ask another question that is just as important.

Do people with Autism need it?

When speaking with people with Autism throughout the years and have close personal relationships that have allowed me to see how life with autism is like day to day.Mind you that this was a glimpse only and anyone who says they know what it is like with autism is either ill educated on the subject or trying to sell you something. I have never heard anyone say they want a cure for their divergence, the parents, family and medical ‘professionals on the other hand seem to want to go helter skelter into changing these people whether they want to or not.

The idea of changing people that do not want to change because it makes life better for others feels at the best ablistic at the worst eugenics by the book and the ethical questions behind this are many one of these would be should autism be classified as a disease?

According to Wikipedia

A disease is any condition which results in the disorder of a structure or function in a living organism that is not due to any external injury.

But is autism result in disorder? It could be argued that yes it does but what type of autism are we talking about here since autism is a spectrum and with varying degrees in the blanket term for autism that a black and white distinction is missing much of the point.

And what type of disorder? Autism generally also brings with it other physical issues not directly linked to being on the spectrum and can be treated separately without treatment of being autistic. Where being on the spectrum means that the way a person processes mentally, or if you will emotionally is diffrent, diffrent does not mean broken.

Broken is the message that is sent to people with neurodivergence when speaking about a ‘cure’ to being wired differently and if you speak to anyone that is divergent they are everything but broken. Let’s be honest about humanity for a moment and realize that we have a structure so rigid that anything that diverts is seen as foreign, alien, scary. SO here we have a large population of people who are doing things different, who the current structure doesn’t work and have found other ways of doing things that work for them, why is this threatening? But because a person does things in a different manner or process differently does this mean broken?

The other question would be when would you ‘cure ‘ a person? As soon as they get put on a spectrum? Much like depression, anxiety and ADD where once treated with lobotomy in children do we do something similar? Does the person receiving the cure get a say in whether or not their life gets changed?

I don’t have answers to this, but there are serious ethical questions that need to be addressed when it comes to neurodiversity and curing something that is more inconvenient to those around the person with autism rather than the person on the spectrum. Also did you notice I didn’t refer to Autism and mental illness? Because like I stated earlier different doesn’t mean broken.

Thre songs

Angel nation: Burn the witch

16 Volt: Suffering you

Cut Up Naked Teenagers: Sorry we’re dead

Video is for touch of evil, couldn’t find the song I played on the show

New scum bumper

Reality is the only word that should be used in quotes. Part three

Like most most things that are considered waaay out there to be taken seriously upper class white people need to be doing it to help make money, so thanks to the likes of silicon valley types psychedelics are starting to be taken seriously not just in clinical studies for mental health but in the business world where silicon valley or herein the pacific northwest we have the silicon forest movers and shakers are partaking in microdosing psychedelics to enhance their creativity in their respective fields. Just like the image of the useless stoner or urban thug had to quite literally be white washed so that not just medicinal usage but recreational cannabis use has been normalized (gentrified) so that state and local governments would stop arresting us for the crime of having a bong.

The idea of psychedelics as a mental enhancement is not news it’s been around since the McKenna brothers and Dr. Leary where experimented with it as a way to help treat mental health. But much like cannabis the image of psychedelics has been mired in propaganda barrages in a psyop designed to make it’s users look like crackpots, junkies, mental illness psychotics and dangerously insane people.

The truth of course is quite different as I had mentioned in a previous episode the hardest part about about clinical availability and treatment for those who need it is the perception of the public. Bringing it back to white housewives, code writers, business executives more or less taking the idea from artist they started to microdose psychedelics as a way to boost their own mental abilities in the business world and the middle class home life. If it sounds like I am bitter about this then you may be correct in that assumption.

Because as my own little experiment I started to mention to people in my social circles about my research and desire to try psychedelics as a way to help treat my own mental illness I was met with a combination of judgmental bewilderment and protective apprehension from those I deal with on a day to day basis. Part of the feedback I had received was a thinly veiled assumption that all I wanted was to get high and I was using mental illness as the excuse or a fear that I would make my already borderline crippling anxiety, depression, ptsd, ADHD, and general weirdness worse. The later I did have to concede the point but i did rebuttal that clinically I have no disposition to psychosis and contrary to popular belief about myself I do rather enjoy my sobriety even if I see at overrated from time to time.

From the last few years of clinical psychedelic research and in the last several months of microdosing researching and noticing a difference in application and results. It seems like this could be a helpful treatment for many of us stricin with mental illness but before we can get an ok or even people to think of it just like taking any other medication we still need to change the image of Psychedelic usage, so enter the Yuppies.

So what is Microdosing? To quote ThirdwAVE.CO

“The act of integrating sub-perceptual doses of psychedelics into your weekly routine for higher levels of creativity, more energy, increased focus, and improved relational skills.”

Basically, a mental booster. So let's forget the about making you a better wage slave or artist this can help out with mental illness, it’s an alternative to taking a threshold dosage and the potential for a bad trip where instead of one trip that lasts 4 to 12 hours depending on substance its a low dose every few days that works within the brain to reconnect thinking with the brain, the main issue is making sure of the dosage , not too much and not to little. How much do you need? I’ll direct you towards for that since they are the experts I’m just A podcaster that shares ideas and passes along information to you to make decisions.

So what substance should you use? Not my call but what I have gather the microdose of Mushrooms and LSD is basically the same at low dosages higher dosages tend to have different feels to them and MDMA is one that even on a every three or four days is not something that you want to do because again it is an amphetamine and can cause not just a comedown that feels like a training for death but the long term effects on the heart valves. Moderation in all things people, as far as DMT or Ayahuasca I’ve heard conflicting reports about whether or not microdosing is either a good idea or possible, grated DMT in crystal form is smoked and the trip only lasts around fifteen minutes but that fifteen minutes could be an eon in innerspace so take that as you will then in the its more common ritualistic form of the ayahuasca brew it seems the preparing it for smaller amounts is almost not worth it from reports but then again I did meet a “shaman” that used it in a vape so there’s that info, again take a look at the links in the description for more information on these subjects from the experts

Next question is why should I Microdose vrs just taking my current ssri, maoi, or other medication? Simple:

Fuck Side effects.

Speaking as a person that is currently on or rather decreasing my usage of psych meds mostly due to the effects they have had on me in a physical sense and in a emotional sense. Physically speaking there are times where if I take too much or worse not enough I can go into a detox mode or feel high and end up in something like a serotonin syndrome where instead of helping with my issues they double down on the problem, not fun and then there is the whole interruption of one’s love life where intimacy and sex (there is a difference) can be made impossible or difficult to do. From emotions being absent, inability to be aroused or more annoying the inability to climax are the some of the problems , something a partner had mentioned before they bolted was that there was no passion while I was on them. It’s almost as if you have to choose your ailment either not be suicidal or feel nothing or very little. One other issue I had with the many drugs I was prescribed was that my emotions where always at a baseline, I was never happy, I was never very sad but I was on the brink of each but was numb. That in and of itself was enough to make me plan to jump off of the St. John’s bridge, well that and a dozen other things but I’ll explain that in a spoken word piece later on.

WIth Microdosing the side effects tend to be more openness and and compassion, quitting addictions and generally being a decent person. no wonder they are still illegal.

What are your thoughts on this? Have you Microdosed? Let us know either with the email in the description or at any of the social media outlets or simply at

Next week we talk about the dark side of psychedelics, just because i’ve been talking about the the benefits doesn’t mean I’ve not forgotten about negative effects. For now listen to these tracks and get in the flow.

The Secret light: back door


GVAF radio is brought to you by our patreons JImmy, Heather and Topher, thank you for your monthly support of the shows and the more people that support us the more weird and wonderful things we can start doing for our listeners. I do hope the rewards you all received at least made your day I would also like to thank our one time donors of money of equipment




Ron and ROse

Nick and Tanya




And everyone that has listened all around the world you are why I continue to do this and any and all feedback fuels me. I’m David the Reverend Oni Brown, and I’m signing off.

16 Volt: The man comes around

“Hidden track”

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