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Here piggy piggy piggy

get your tickets here!


Been pushing this show for the last few months and I don't know if it will help the bands but I hope it does because everyone I've been in contact with have been amazing! if things go well with this there could be another fest next year so let's hope, and lets hope I can afford VIP passes next time.

To all the bands THANK YOU for your hard work.

All right all right let's get to the beer review shall we?

This week's victim is Redhook's "big Ballard" an Imperial IPA at a budget pive, but is it worth it?


They refer to it as a golden ale but I see more copper in my glass after the pour with little head and in the light, Crisp and sweet with a bitter back end that doesn't bite you. I found it enjoyable even at 73 IBU and also clocking in at 8.6 ALC I kinda forgot about the bitter after taste about half way through the first pint.

I'm still not a fan of Indian Pale Ales unless they hail from southern california for some unknown reason but this one out of Seattle competes with them on many levels and for being an Imperial where I see the price jacked up with that in front of the IPA a lot three bucks makes this a good grab for after mowing the yard. If I did a star rating I'd give it a 3.5 because just being an IPA automatically kills a star.

Not much to talk about right now since a lot of the stuff we're working on for the show is still cooking so I'm going to let it simmer til it's ready so for the meantime take a look at out help a cause page and help out if you can , lots of people need a hand be a reason to make someone thankful...... like your cynical neighborhood podcaster *cough PATREON cough*

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