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04/15 Apathy is the enemy

Hey there children, it's been awhile.

Since my health, and social issues have been taking up a lot of my time I haven't been able to really keep up with the blog here so I had an Idea. Why not just post the script? This way I can urt your eyes and ears with my mind and my spelling :)

intro :

My cynicism has reached almost supernatural levels that I am working on ways to weaponize it

Thank you for tuning into GVAF radio, radio that gives a fuck. I am David “the Rev Oni” Brown your local Satanic Justice warrior . The trump twitter is no longer funny, declaring war via twitter is not funny. I know it isn’t going to happen but the idea that russia is ready to throw down is not a laughing matter. Mueller PLEASE hurry up and find a reason to get him out and if Mcconnell tries to stop you please just , well don’t kill him just like I don’t know have an interen run up behind him and scream boo, and make sure the kid has an Obama mask on. Better yet distract him with like a small child having fun he might just run over and break their toys, so while he is distracted ship The Commander and cheezit to guantanamo and then we will work on the rest.

As of friday the thirteenth a possible black friday in modern times the Commander in Chief fired missiles at a foreign nation without the approval much less it’s knowledge of Congress, these airstrikes that when they were threatened by trump on twitter against Syria, Russia a hostile nation in support of the target threatened nuclear war as a retaliation. This is not a dog and pony show like your reality tv circus you like to make others believe was real. The reality of your show now is that people are dying, you have put our nation at risk from a foe that is as great if not more attuned to war than we are and all you do is 144 character dick thump to prove that you da man. Just about every president has done this in the last twenty years and yes even our Saintly Obama defied congress and the war powers resolution so as of now the US armed forces have sixty days to do what they need or pull out and in the sixty days there can and will be blood spilled that will cover each of our countries. That’s if Russia doesn’t make a power play and decide to retaliate then we will be in a war that could change humanity forever like the second world war but this one will change our landscape forever. Almost a hundred years later munitions from the first war are still being found not to mention the rest in an attempt to prove whose power structure was bigger. I don’t mean to sound Hyperbolic but these are real possibilities and just from looking at what’s going on I have several possibilities and or theories on what is happening.

  1. The most likely: This is simply a power play in collusion with russia to show that there is a divide. Russia has been known to sacrifice pieces on a board for results and with the investigation against the President colluding with a hostile power this could prove doubt like a psyop with some physical ramifications. I would not be surprised to find out that russia gave up syria to strengthen ties with the USA

  2. Trump as lost what is left of his ever loving mind in a combination of hubris, stupidity and or a shred of honor (unlikely) to help with citizens that are being tortured, killed and abused by it’s government. Like I said I find this unlikely since Russia and the Trumps are allied in more than one way ad I doubt the Cheez It would do this unless there is money to be made. Which leads me to…

  3. Trump is attempting to cement power by plunging the united states ito yet another conflict with brown people in the guise of “we are going to help others!” , dude the shining armor you got on is made of tin foil and I know SCA members and Cosplayers whose armor is more battle ready than yours….. Not like you would understand war or honor, or disaplie, or HUMANITY, or being a decent human being…..

Either way we look at this it’s a horrible situation, and I’m a bit more concerned because I live on the west coast and in a large population center so I’m a bit wary of the dog wagging because I’d like to not re-enact the nuke scene from terminator two ok! I watched the press conferences of the joint chiefs of staff saying that the president acted within the constitution I doubt the Cheez-it knows anything any of the articles of the constitution, the damn thing would need pictures to interest him. Maybe we should have strippers covered in the Constitution then maybe he’ll glen something from this. Either way this will make a great smoke screen for anything else the bastard is doing, Please Mueller find something NO!


Looks like Paul Ryan will be retiring after his current term to spend time with his family, Good. Put your family first and let others do good when you wouldn’t, or at least I hope the next speaker wont try to fuck the poor like he did. Dude gets to retire at forty eight and the people who voted for him are going to be unable to retire until after they die and the bills will still be transferred to their kids so, Goodbye and fuck off Paul Ryan, I’m sure you’ll get a cush job lobbying for some right wing money vacuum and find more and interesting ways to fuck over the rest of us. Morals, ethics, the party of the family. Keep in mind I don’t hate republicans but the leaders leave me with anger for their lack of caring for their people and care more about greed and ideology that helps none but those that already have it all and fucks those of us with nothing.

Ok enough of me rambling let's play some tunes, here’s prophets of rage with Unfuck the world because I want the world unfucked.

Thre songs:

Unfuck the world

Armed forces

Clock work

So I’ve been on a Hip Hop kick the last few weeks and one of the artist that really grabbed me was Tom McDonald, HId lyrics echo some of the things I was going through and he has a message to speak and nothing is going to stop him from doing just that and pissing people off is a side effect of of telling his truth he is spitting out. To be honest I like his newer singles verses his old albums since it feels more honest now where before he was playing the role that he “should” play rather than who he is. Talking about Mental illness and substance abuse and calling out artist that glorify being an addict was attractive to me since some of the things he talked about I have or am currently dealing with. Can’t say I agree or have seen everything that he has and to be honest he hits back at people that hate on him which helps creates better art and the dude speaks more about love and being honest with yourself. I did it so here is a a few tracks by Tom Mcdonald so you can hear for yourself and if you want to look him up on spotify and google play, itunes and also while you are at check out his other project GFBF if you like them please support the artist that helps you out.

Three songs:



Dead Ted: toxic Zombie

Reality is the only word in quotes pt2

New scum Bumper

Reality is the only word that should be used in quotes pt 2


For the second part of the series of Psychedelics as therapy we are going to look at MDMA which most of you have heard of as the drug ecstasy or Molly, lets do a quick history of the substance.

MDMA stands for Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, don’t let the last part derail you, there is a big difference between meth and Molly even though they share a similar chemical chain and backbone and are stimulants.

MDMA was first made in 1912 and was basically forgotten about until about the 1970’s were Sasha Shuglin re-discovered it and being a bit of a pschonought he started to recreate and synthesis the compounds and found that this compound had a lot to offer in the field of psychotherapy and in a way the human spirit to learn about themselves. It was used to improve psychotherapy beginning in the 1970s as a type of drug then called Empathogens that would help a person reconnect their memories and deal with them and this is extremely potent when dealing with PTSD.

Ok quick and blurry on who MDMA works in a clinical context. When you bring back a memory you reconstruct the memory including the emotions of that memory. MDMA reduces output from the amygdala in the brain that helps create fear and increases the output from the frontal cortex where people put things in context and responsible for rational thinking and also releases Oxytocin and prolactin which are hormones associated with bonding and love. So when you reconstruct this memory the fear in a memory is damped and the fight or flight responses, the negative reactions to these past events are able to be put in a more rational format, and with the increase of the hormones associated with love and bonding you learn to forgive yourself , love yourself or at the very least let go of the pain. No wonder they call this ecstasy. A few of the drawbacks to MDMA is that it does increase heart rate and is a vasoconstrictor meaning less blood flow so for you guys it is reported to make getting a hard on almost impossible so no kinky experiments on this stuff, also as a note if you use this on your partner without their knowledge to get them “in the mood” I will hunt you down, date rappist mother fucker.

Ok back to the 70’s, psychiatrists start using this drug to help their patients deal with PTSD, survivor guilt, depression, anxiety and with terminal cancer patients deal with their impending death. it’s like a miracle cure, then of course us humans found a way to get high and then MDMA found it’s way to the club scene. So up until about 1985 you could get it and when a DEA hearing was held the judge stated that the drug should be a schedule three meaning that it had medical usage but had the potential to be abused, so of course the DEA headcock made it scheadual one becasue ……. I don’t know fuck you I guess.

So fast forward about thirty years and federal trials are on the way to make this a legal drug used in a therapeutic session, Psychiatrists are running clandestine sessions to help their patients at the risk of losing their license , which if things go the way they are then that threat will be a memory because the drug is again under a phase 2 trail with a 83% success rate of people NOT HAVING PTSD AFTER THERAPY, i’d like to repeat that,

83% have shown to not have ptsd after MDMA treatments

The biggest population that are seeing the results are in veterans, think about it the statistics is that every 22 seconds *wait 22 seconds* one just killed themself *wait 22 seconds* there goes your hero *wait 22 seconds* too late to help that soldier. That’s not including those who are not veterans that are dying at about the same rate and there is a treatment that is available to help and the government they fought for says nope gotta take prozac and other shit that fucks you more. I might be a bit passionate about this due to my history and the friends I lost to suicide could have been helped and they couldn’t because this drug was considered for junkies not for people that need to be fixed. So until we get this in a safe environment the only way to access this holy grail of mental illness is by getting these substances in a way that could cause us to go to jail, lose kids, ruin our life, you know fuck us up more than we are.

So let's talk about getting your hands on some, here there be drags. The main drag is that you may not get ahold of something that is called molly but is one of 20 different substances that are related to MDMA but not MDMA or are cut with caffeine or other substances, awesome. If you are going to do this then please research I’ll link a few youtube videos so that IF you as a responsible adult under your our actions want to get this stuff you can be safe and know what you’ll be getting into. Remember this substance is a psychedelic so practice set and setting for your safety and others. Remember how I said it reduces the fear response? Well that is also a problem when not in a clinical setting the idea that it’s fun let's do it is elevated and you are stimulated , it is an amphetamine so you are going to want to move and colors are going to get really fun so this is why raves are kinda the place for this thing. One of the more interesting things I’ve been reading is that people with schizophrenia are using MDMA to counteract some of the symptoms that the other medications don’t help with, the reason this is interesting is that normally schizophrenia and psychedelics don’t mix but this might need to be part of another study into therapy for those stricken with the illness.

That's about all I have on this one check out the youtube links that I had used for research and you can make your own decisions on whether or not this drug is a possible game changer for people with mental illness or not , you read the evidence and you tell me.

Next week I’ll go into what I’ve learned about microdosing and my thoughts on it.


July 24th 2016


outro and internet panhandling

I would like to give props to our patreons Heather, topher and Jimmy, y’all make this happen every week and a big thank you to

Ron and rose





Nick and Tanya


Everyone I haven't mentioned Honestly it’s not a front it just that I’m stupid but I do thank everyone who listens, shares and comments on the show you guys are the reson I do this every week and sometimes six times a week If I didn’t get people tuning in, id still do this but y’all let me know I’m doing something right. If you’d like to support you can donate via go fund me paypal or even Patreon check the links and we are of course always looking for gear just let us know what you’d like to donate also if you have a comment on tonight’s show or any of the shows l;et us know the email is in the description and I’d love to hear what y’all think , love or would rather I’d stop doing. Not going to say I’ll stop but I’ll read it . and I will like to remind you about empathy and compassion. Hate is natural and if channeled correctly then is can create amazing results but please make sure it’s not killing you, and with that we’re going to end the show with 16 volt’s cover of Johnny Cash’s the man comes around, this is david the rev oni and I’m signing out.


Friday the thirteenth theme

This week's episode is brought to you by our Patreons Topher , Heather and Jimmy.

Chronic illness will not stop me from recording the show! May not be on time but it’s HERE!!!

This week I talk about why the Missle strikes in Syria are a really bad move, or empty threats depends on the angle I reckon. The second part on psychedelics as therapy and this time we zero in on MDMA, and of course got you some good rock and roll, maybe some hip hop take a listen for yourself.

Track listing.

Prophets of Rage: Unfuck the world

Die Robot: Armed Forces

The Secret Light: Clockwork

Tom McDonald: Castles and This house

Toxic Zombie: Dead Ted

Millennial Reign: Break the tide

Masquerade of angels: You kill me sometimes

Grey For Days: Dangaqueous

16volt: The Man comes around

Chachacha ahahahah

Research links

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